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Livestock Exhibitor & Parent Information

Fair Tickets

Season passes, Day passes and Ag Day tickets can be purchased online, at the gate or at the Fair office. Season passes will be scanned when you enter the gate and can only be scanned once a day. If you leave the grounds, you MUST ask the gate worker to stamp your hand in order to get back in the gate without paying.

Drug Residue

If you are using medicated feed, or if your project requires medication, please observe the withdrawal periods. Lamb, Steer, Goat & Swine are subject to random drug testing. Be sure that you have read and understand the rules for the 2025 WCYF drug residue policy.


Please do NOT park trailers or other vehicles around the AMMANN BARN. Trailers MUST be parked in designated areas!


Lots of good food vendors this year!! All food concessions will be CASH ONLY! There will be ATMs on site for your convenience.

Poultry & Rabbit Exhibitors

Exhibitors are required to dress and deliver their projects to their buyer by APRIL 19, 2025. If for some reason your project will NOT be ready at that time, you MUST make CONTACT with your buyer before April 19th and explain why the project is not ready for delivery.

Steer Exhibitors

All steer exhibitors will need to state which breed class their steer is eligible to show in at the Fair check-in. This will be either Brahman Influence or Other Breeds.

Swine Exhibitors

WCYF will NOT provide the initial shavings in the Johse Barn but will provide three bags of shavings per exhibitor in the Ammann Barn. Exhibitors are encouraged to come out Sunday, March 30th to place their shavings in the swine pens. All Swine exhibitors and their parents are encouraged to read the rules pertaining to SWINE!I n the past, there has been a lot of confusion regarding family tag in, cleaning of pens and floored projects after the sale! ALL of this information can be found in the RULEBOOK!

Rabbit exhibitors

The committee will not be setting up chairs for exhibitors or spectators. Please bring your own chairs!

AGAIN FOR 2025: There will be a sift judge at the Rabbit Show. The sift judge will weigh the rabbits and check for any entry showing symptoms of disease, such as buck teeth, sore hocks, sign of cold or sniffles, ear canker, mites, mange, vent disease, sore and runny eyes, broken teeth and toenails, or other contagious or disqualifying features will be excluded from exhibition (see rule #10).


The Fair provides an excellent way to showcase to the public the value of 4H and FFA.

Stall set up may begin once pen assignments have been made. All stalling equipment must be unloaded in the livestock area by 5 p.m. Friday, March 28th. No vehicles or trailers will be allowed in this area after 5 p.m. that day.

Stall must be completely set up by Sunday, March 30th at noon.

Please do your part to keep your stall area clean. If there is a mess in your area, clean it up. Even if you did not make the mess! Also, do not store any feed or hay in the aisles. Those items must be kept in the designated tack area!

Ag High Point

Please read over the Ag High Point Rules .In order to be considered for the Award, the Exhibitor must notify the Fair Office by noon on Friday, March 28th! Exhibitors must enter three or more projects in order to be considered for High Point.


Buyer Contacts

You can help make the sale a success by contacting potential buyers prior to Sale Day. Explain to them you are participating and invite them to the sale. Please be polite and respectful when discussing the Wharton County Youth Fair and your project. Buyers have a limited amount of funds to spend and can’t buy everything they would like to. When you contact your buyers, you can let them know we have buyer information on the website under the About Us tab. The Fair Funds will also be set up Friday, April 4th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Director’s Room to accept bids. We will be accepting add-on bids until April 21st.

Please Note...

Sale Day is NOT the time to ask a buyer to put money on your project or add-on to a project. Be considerate and make your contacts BEFORE sale day!! This applies to both parents and exhibitors!

Scratch Information

If you are eligible to sell your projects see Scratch Information on page 50 of the Rulebook. Exhibitors may begin to scratch projects Wednesday, April 2nd at 5 p.m. until one hour after the results of the last market show are posted in the Amman Barn and the Office Complex.

Sale Number Information

Sale numbers will be distributed in the Midway Pavilion Saturday morning (weather permitting).ALL NUMBERS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 11:00 A.M .Sellers/Exhibitors must be present at the auction to sell unless an absent from sale form has been filled out and approved. Exhibitors must be in place 20 LOTS BEFORE THEIR SALE number. If an exhibitor misses his or her place in the Sale order, he or she will be disqualified and may then sell only in the Freezer sale.

Freezer Sale

The Freezer Sale (Pre-Sale) will open at noon and close at 5 p.m. Friday, April 4th in the Office Complex and reopen Saturday, April 5th at 10 a.m. in Crescent Hall. Any project not pre-sold will be auctioned immediately following the last lot in the Sale of Excellence.


The Sale Committee only allows the grand and reserve grand champion animals to be brought into Crescent Hall for the live auction. No other animals will be brought into the ring during the sale. Only exhibitors and animals allowed in the sale ring.


Buyer Information Packet Pick Up

Final buyer information will be available for pick up Sunday, April 6 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. in the show barn. If you cannot personally pick up your packet, you may have some one pick up for you. These will NOT be mailed.

Exhibitors who sold projects will receive their buyer information, excluding Add-Ons. Don’t forget to pick up your packet when delivering your livestock to the fairgrounds Sunday, April 6.

Sale Thank You Notes

The exhibitor packets picked up Sunday, April 6 will include all the buyer information, EXCEPT the list of add-ons. Add-on bids will be accepted until Monday, April 21. Please watch our web site and Facebook page to see when final add-on buyer information is available for pick up at the Fair office. Thank you letters will not be accepted before May 20th or until exhibitor receives ALL add-on information. All thank you letters must be sealed, stamped and have exhibitor’s return address (see page 9 in the rulebook). These are due in the fair office by4 p.m. Monday, May 21st.A $25 late fee will be deducted from the exhibitor’s sale check if thank you notes are turned in after this date.

Do NOT mail thank you notes directly to your buyers! They must be sent to the Fair office for verification and then mailed from the Fair office.

Sale checks are not released until thank you notes are received in the office. Sale checks are void after 90 days.

Livestock & Award Thank You Notes

Please don’t forget to thank the businesses and individuals who sponsor all of the livestock awards. From buckles to banners to division awards, money has been graciously donated to cover the cost of each award. They want to hear a big THANK YOU from the exhibitor who won! There is a complete list of sponsors on the Exhibitors page of the website.


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